4 Drug Prevention Tools to Keep Women Drug Free

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4 Drug Prevention Tools to Keep Women Drug Free

Are there some specific drug prevention tools for women?  Women who have suffered from substance abuse in the past very seldom mention being cured. They usually speak of themselves as being in recovery from substance abuse. These women know very well that no one recovers fully from drug addiction. This process continues every day and will be an ongoing occurrence for the rest of their lives. Each day, they must make the decision to refrain from taking a pill, inserting a needle or having a drink. Although making these choices is challenging and also rewarding each time they succeed, abstaining from substance abuse day by day is a stressful way of life. For this reason, women who are former substance abusers need drug prevention tools, activities, events, and commitments in their daily life to support their decision to maintain recovery from addiction.

Valuable Drug Prevention Tools and Incentives to Aid Women in Overcoming Substance Abuse

Drug Prevention Tools
Women often need powerful tools and incentives to aid them in their commitment and struggle toward successful recovery from substance abuse.

The following drug prevention tools have proven to be of great help to many women in their personal battles to remain free from drugs:

  • Discover a Natural High – The natural high resulting from regular exercise or habitual physical activity can be very satisfying to women experiencing the recovery stages from drug abuse and addiction. Many women who engage in sports games, regular workouts or jogging during early stages of drug rehab appreciate the natural high that such challenging activities can generate. They understand that once the mind and body grow accustomed to and crave the heightened sensibilities produced by misuse of drugs and alcohol, this craving remains a high priority within the brain’s vivid memory banks. It can be recalled very quickly by another similar reaction to other stimuli.
  • Form New Friendships – Especially if most of your longtime friends know you from your drug or alcohol abuse days, you should form new friendships. Some women gain new and close friends from substance abuse rehab groups. Having a common enduring problem to overcome lends loyalty and support to the new friendship and bond. Others recovering from drug misuse join faith-inspired organizations. Some women join arts-related programs and study music, painting, dance or drama, finding new friends among their classes and groups.
  • Overcome Anger – Anger has proven to be a major factor in female drug abuse. Since anger often leads to destructive attitudes and behavior, some women hide their strongest anger, thinking that by doing so and looking outward rather than inward, they can overcome their rage. They reason that if they concentrate on family issues, children’s needs or problems at the office, their own problems and hurt or angry feelings will dissolve. However, the result is often that these negative attitudes and feelings lead to self-destructive behavior and substance abuse. Many women now attend forgiveness therapy sessions regularly to deal with the root anger that caused their drug misuse and addiction. This form of therapeutic rehab is also an excellent way to treat and alleviate depression and anxiety in women patients.
  • Remain in Therapy – It is essential to the continued recovery of women drug abusers that they remain in therapy on a long-term basis. Substance abuse and successful rehabilitation cannot be dealt with solely by the individual patient. All women need support, treatment, and guidance from a professional, experienced substance abuse therapist. The underlying issues and original causes of drug misuse and addiction must be dealt with on an ongoing basis. Also, any current problems or issues with situations, people and living conditions that might trigger the return to self-destructive behavior and drug use must be dealt with by female patients and their rehab therapists. Individual determination alone cannot overcome such deeply rooted and serious issues as substance addiction, and women should be encouraged to rely strongly on others who can help and support them along the path to a much more healthy, happy, productive and drug-free lifestyle.

Encouragement from Family Members is Helpful in Drug Prevention

Although family members can sometimes be difficult, reminding former drug abusers of their earlier problems and ordeals, most close families will make a concerted effort to be supportive and caring. Women without close family ties or concerned relatives find group activities and meaningful organizations very helpful to their success with rehabilitation. Caring family members and friends can also be of help in encouraging women recovering from substance addiction to seek current medical and therapeutic advice and assistance or inpatient treatment when they experience new problems related to their rehabilitation.

To progress through the ongoing stages of recovery from drug abuse today, women patients need powerful drug prevention tools and incentives to support and guide them. With the use of these tools and strong support from experienced rehab therapists, other recovering substance abusers, sympathetic family and understanding friends, these women can move forward in their treatment toward a much happier, healthier life free from drugs.

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