What Are the Most Commonly Abused Drugs in the US?

What Are the Most Commonly Abused Drugs in the US?
Do you know the most commonly abused drugs in the United States today?
Drug addiction affects thousands of Americans and their families every year. Some drugs seem to be more addictive and are used more often than others. Learning more about the most commonly abused drugs in the United States can be helpful in avoiding dangerous and even deadly consequences.
Most Commonly Abused Drugs in the US Today
Each of the following substances has been the most often abused for decades; however, the complete list is quite extensive. In many cases, an addict will be suffering from addiction to two or more substances.
Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol is one of the most prevalent types of addiction in the United States. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism state that nearly 18 million people are dependent on alcohol. Alcoholism is a lifelong disease that typically requires formal treatment for a permanent recovery, although some people will utilize special services for a significant portion of their life to stay in recovery. Alcohol is also reported as being one of the most commonly abused substances when there is a dual diagnosis, or multiple addictions, present.
Anyone suffering from alcohol abuse or dependence should seek help from a rehabilitation center. Some common signs of alcohol abuse include drinking alcohol on a daily basis, being unable to stop drinking, and hiding the amount of alcohol you drink from friends or family members.
Marijuana Abuse
According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, the largest number of people arrested for an illegal substance were those found with marijuana. Marijuana is legal like alcohol to those of a certain age in some regions of the United States, but it is important to know that it is possible to become dependent on marijuana. People who can’t stop using marijuana or who have experienced changes in their career or lifestyle because of drug abuse should seek help, even when they are using a drug that is legal.
Methamphetamine Addiction
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug that is becoming more prevalent in the United States. Every year, nearly half a million people try, or abuse methamphetamine and nearly six percent of individuals entering rehabilitation programs are addicted to this drug making it one of the most commonly abused drugs here. Within the United States, methamphetamine use is particularity high in the Midwest and some western states of the country.
Methamphetamine is the fourth leading cause of hospital visits due to drug or alcohol abuse in the country. Anyone experiencing addiction to methamphetamine can benefit greatly from seeking assistance with overcoming the addiction. Methamphetamine can be tough to stop using alone. A supportive drug treatment counselor can assist you with finding solutions that lead to recovering from addiction.
Prescription Drugs
Prescription drugs, such as pain medications and drugs used to treat anxiety, are among the fastest growing substance abuse trends in America. Seven million people have reported using drugs for a non-medical purpose, with the highest number of people abusing prescription pain medication. Prescription drugs are often prescribed for a particular injury or symptom but can become addictive when users continue to use the drugs after recovering from the illness for which the drugs were prescribed.
Seeking Help for Addiction to the Most Commonly Abused Drugs or Other Substances
If you, or someone you love, have a problem with addiction to drugs or alcohol, the best option available is to seek professional treatment. Drug rehab programs can be customized to fit the personal needs of each person entering treatment. A personalized treatment plan is ideal because it addresses the specific types of addiction you are learning to manage and focuses on helping you identify the root causes of the addiction. Alcohol and drug abuse can take over your life. Rehabilitation centers help you take control and offer you the chance to find a permanent solution to recovering from addiction.
It is interesting to see this list of drugs. I know that these are some of the common drugs that are put there, but there are for sure many more. It is amazing to see how many of these drugs are out there. It is also amazing to see how there is not a lack of different people that are faced with these types of problems. The fact that in this day and age we are still faced with the same problems and no other solutions exist aside from getting people to face the fact that there is a problem in our society and we need to get more help to more people to get it to stop them. Articles like this really get to shed the light on it and get people to see that drugs like meth and pot and even alcohol are really doing a lot of damage to our culture.