Despite Efforts to Curb the Epidemic, Heroin Continues Its Popularity
By: A Forever Recovery
Home » Despite Efforts to Curb the Epidemic, Heroin Continues Its Popularity
Despite Efforts to Curb the Epidemic, Heroin Continues Its Popularity
What we have on our hands right now in this country is a steadily increasing addiction problem of the very worst kind. Drug and alcohol addiction gets progressively more difficult for all who are faced with it, and this is to a point now where a lot of people are most definitely struggling with it. Heroin continues its popularity partly due to the fact of the opiate prescription painkiller addiction epidemic. When addicts can no longer obtain prescription painkillers, they turn back to heroin which renders the same effects for users.
Heroin Statistics
- According to the Drug Abuse Warning Network, certain drugs are making a comeback that was totally unanticipated. Case in point, heroin, and cocaine seem to be the most significant of these. Both heroin abuse and cocaine abuse were basically things of the past by the end of the 20th century. We had gotten a pretty good handle on these problems. Now, however, they are back and with a vengeance.
- Cocaine and heroin both have risen up in demand and have gotten more people interested in them then perhaps ever before. With cocaine, young people and middle-aged people alike are abusing cocaine more so now than ever before. With heroin, people now go back and forth between heroin and opiate prescription pain relievers like never before. This is obviously a pretty significant problem and one that we need to address a lot more intensively.
- According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, substance abuse and its increase have of course increased the demand for addictive substances which has resulted in more trafficking of illegal drugs into this country. The Drug Enforcement Agency, also commonly known as the DEA, is responsible for stopping this. What is really upsetting about this is that the DEA had excellent border security running by the 1990s.
- Trafficking was down to a minimum. However, shortly after the prescription drug abuse epidemic of the 21st-century took off in the early 2000s, the demand for heroin as a second choice for opiate prescription painkiller addicts skyrocketed, and massive trafficking of heroin drugs into the country resumed once again.
- Now it is to a point where the Drug Enforcement Agency reports that about 30,000 arrests are made at U.S. borders every single year because of trafficking. If that isn’t bad enough, several thousand tons of illegal substances are seized at US borders every single year too.
Heroin Continues Its Popularity
We can say that heroin continues its popularity. However, the popularity of heroin has definitely been going up with each passing year, to the point where there is more and more concern for these issues. Heroin statistics are definitely going up. When people see how heroin continues its popularity, no matter what programs are put in to play, it really does become clear just how serious of an addiction struggle we are faced with at this time.
The only really reliable way to effectively and stably address heroin addiction and abuse though is with the help of drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers and recovery organizations. A Forever Recovery is able to get people free and clear from even the most brutal of heroin addictions. For more information about how to effectively and stably beat an addiction to heroin, call A Forever Recovery today.