Embracing a Life Worth Living Without Addiction

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Embracing a Life Worth Living Without Addiction

Whether you’ve let addiction drag you down or have only found yourself down on your luck, there are times in life when you are simply ready to give up. It seems as though you’re never going to find a positive resolution to your troubles, and attempting to do so is just leaving you depressed and out of sorts. Turning your life around may seem impossible, but you can embrace change and begin to living without addiction.

Set Positive Goals for Living Without Addiction

The first step in living the life you’ve always dreamed of is understanding what you’re dreaming about. What is it that you want in life? What work would feel you with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment? Who are the influential people that you most want to share your life with? If you could decide exactly where you’d be ten years from today, where would you be? Take a moment to not only set those goals but to write them down. Writing down your goals give permanence and weight that they might not otherwise be allowed in your mind. By giving them words, you make them real to yourself and increase the odds that you’ll successfully reach those goals. Embrace that life worth living without addiction!

List What It Will Take to Reach Your Goals

For each goal on your list, there’s a process that you have to take. For example, if your goal is to be a homeowner in ten years, you’ll need to have positive credit and enough money saved to make that happen. That might mean getting a new job or a new promotion. It might mean writing a new budget to keep those long-term goals at the forefront. If you hope to be reconciled with a loved one following a period of estrangement, you might need to seek treatment for addiction, anger management, or other issues. By breaking down each of your ultimate goals into smaller steps, you give yourself a more accurate picture of what it’s going to take to really have the life you want, a life worth living.

Celebrate Small Successes over Addiction

You won’t be able to meet all of your goals in a single day. Remember, these are long-term goals. That means that you aren’t going to be able to wave a magic wand and step straight into the life you’ve always dreamed of living. Each step along the path is a victory. If you’re overcoming addiction, every day sober is a new milestone. If you’re saving up for the house or the car of your dreams, every dollar saved is important. Celebrate these small successes and give yourself credit where credit is due. You’re making life changes, and every step along the road is important.

Don’t Be Afraid to Rewrite

As time goes on, certain aspects of your goals may seem less important than before. Adjusting them accordingly will help ensure that you remain focused on the ultimate goal: living a life that you can be proud of, doing the things you care about, surrounded by the people you love. At the end of the day, those are the pieces that are really important.

Don’t give up on life because of some bad breaks or bad decisions. Embrace a life worth living!  You will enjoy living without addiction, but your family will enjoy it even more.

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