Few things are more terrifying to new parents than the premature birth of their baby. Premature babies have not been afforded the opportunity for proper lung development and are susceptible to severe respiratory distress that could result in death. Fortunately, for both child and parents, nitric oxide is a FDA-approved medication that aids in a premature infant’s breathing. This can prevent respiratory failure and help the baby to continue to develop in an incubator until it is in a stronger and safer physical state. As with any medication, it is important to understand the facts surrounding this drug.
Nitric Oxide Basics

What to Expect
Depending on the condition of the infant, nitric oxide will be administered through the baby’s nose or mouth. In severe cases where the child is connected to a breathing tube, the medicated gas will be dispersed through the tube and into the infant’s lungs. Of course, medical staff will keep a close eye on the baby’s vital signs during treatment, including blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, and respiration. The infant will not undergo treatment for longer than two weeks.
Dosage Information and Risks
Parents need not concern themselves with the dosage of this medication, as it is administered and monitored by professional medical staff. This ensures that doses are not missed, and there isn’t a risk of an accidental overdose of the drug. Should an overdose occur, however, too much nitric oxide does not cause severe harm to the patient. Of course, once the baby is released from nitric oxide treatments and the hospital, parents should follow all post-care instructions as accurately as possible.
Nitric Oxide Side Effects
The most concerning side effects surrounding this drug are alleviated simply because the infant is likely under constant medical supervision. That said, common side effects include blood in the baby’s urine, the possibility of a collapsed lung(s), and notable raspy breathing. Some babies also have difficulty breathing once the treatment is stopped. Medical professionals will monitor for these side effects while the infant remains in the hospital; parents should keep a wary eye for them once the baby is home.
Additional side effects parents should keep an eye out for include odd behavior from the infant, such as confusion, dizziness, or unconsciousness. Parents should note if their baby seems weaker or more tired than normal. If the baby begins to sweat, this is also a sign of a possible nitric oxide side effect, as is blurred vision. With a premature infant, these side effects are challenging to isolate because the baby is not yet developed enough to sit or exhibit unusual behaviors. Therefore, if the parents suspect the child is any danger whatsoever, they should seek medical attention right away.
On the Medical Side
Although the parents themselves are not administering nitric oxide, it’s always comforting to gain the same knowledge of this drug as the professionals have. The maximum dosage of nitric oxide is 20ppm for neonatal babies who are at a term of 34 weeks and are under 14 days of age. Nitric oxide does not interact negatively with other medications, and alongside the side effects listed above, the medical professionals will also monitor for the baby’s inability to carry oxygen in the blood (methemoglobinemia), hyperglycemia, hypotension, cellulitis, infection, and sepsis. These side effects are infrequent, and the benefits of nitric oxide treatment in premature infants suffering from respiratory distress far outweigh the risks.
The birth of a premature baby is a traumatic experience for the parents and the child. Thankfully, modern medicine offers the newborn a far greater chance of survival than it did even 50 years ago. Nitric oxide is part of an arsenal of treatment to strengthen the newborn preemie and encourage continued development and growth outside of the womb. Overall, this medication is extremely effective and safe for use, a reassurance to the distressed parents that their baby will likely be just fine.
- Inhaled NO in Preterm Infants (PDF)
- NO Reduces Brain Damage Risk in Premature Newborns
- Inhaled Nitric Oxide Protects the Brains of High-risk Premature Infants
- Inhaled NO Reduces Lung Disease in Premature Babies
- Inhaled NO – Nitric Oxide
- Study Suggests NO Could Aid Premature and Low-Birth-Weight Infants
- Current Pharmacologic Approaches for Prevention and Treatment of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- Medical Management Guidelines for Nitrogen Oxides
- Nitric Oxide (Inhalation Route)