What You Can Learn from Addiction Assessments

By: A Forever Recovery
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What You Can Learn from Addiction Assessments
When people think of addiction assessments or addiction assessment questions, they very rarely correlate that to drug and alcohol addiction. More often than not, it is not even widely known that people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol do need to get an assessment before they enter into treatment. Addiction assessments are beneficial for a multitude of different reasons. First of all, the person needs actually to know if they even have an addiction or not.
Assessing Your Addiction
Another very valuable reason for having addiction assessments is to find out what kind of addiction treatment a person is going to need. This is the most common reason for an evaluation. An individual knows they have an addiction, but they do not know what kind of treatment they need to address it. (Please remember, all dependencies are different, and it will take different approaches to address each one.) In this case, the individual goes and gets an assessment to help determine where they should go. In this case, the person presents themselves to an assessment counselor or evaluator and simply states that they have a substance abuse problem, and they want to go to a treatment center, but they need to know what type of center to go to. The counselor will perform a very similar assessment as of the above example, asking many questions and gathering information to be able to map out exactly what form of treatment is needed.
Another common reason why a person gets an addiction assessment is if they need to go to a treatment center but cannot afford it and therefore must go to a paid-for government facility. To get into a governmental treatment center, one always must get an assessment or evaluation first. Even if the person knows exactly the extent of their addiction and exactly what kind of treatment to go to, and evaluation is a part of the intake process. In this case, the person delivering the assessment will most likely select the treatment center for the individual to go to based on the assessment results.
Addiction Assessments, Guiding Indicators
All in all, addiction assessments are beneficial in getting people started in the rehabilitation process. An assessment is a guiding indicator, showing people the direction that they need to go in to ensure that they’re able to create and maintain a lifetime of recovery. Addiction assessments are easy to do; it’s easy to find a place to do them, and they are truly the first step in a person’s recovery. If you are seeking help for yourself or a loved one struggling with an addiction and you want to start with an assessment, call A Forever Recovery.