How Dissociative Drugs Affect the Body

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How Dissociative Drugs Affect the Body

Dissociative drugs affect the body in many adverse ways and they are becoming a serious threat.  In this day and age, there are many, many different types of drugs and alcoholic beverages that are addictive.  As a general rule, drug and alcohol addiction is much more common now than it ever has been before, and the sheer prevalence of addiction and of different drug substances has created a dangerous situation in this country where there are simply more addictions and more drugs on a per capita basis.

One of the more common drugs these days, especially among young adults, is dissociative drugs, or hallucinogens.  Such drugs are defined as drugs that cause major distortions and confusions of perceptions and sounds that create an uncertain reality.  This is actually one of the largest bands of drugs that are in use today.  They are quite difficult too because they do not create ruthless chemical dependency issues, which often make people think that they do not have a problem when they are taking them.

For a quick look at a list of dissociative and hallucinogen drugs, examine the following:

  • Ketamine
  • PCP
  • Salvia Divinorum
  • Dextromethorphan
  • Psilocybin
  • Mescaline

What a lot of people misunderstand is that dissociative drugs have harsh effects just like other drugs.  People get the false idea that, because some of these drugs are natural substances, that they do not have horrific effects.  Some also believe that, because such drugs don’t always create chemical dependency, that these drugs are not dangerous.  None of this is the case though, and these drugs are just as likely to create harsh effects and ruin a person’s life as any other substance.

What people do not understand is that it is not always so much about the drug that the person is taking; it is more about the connection that develops between that person and the drug that they are taking.  That is what is really comes down to.  A person who is heavily addicted to marijuana might actually have their life suffer more from it than a person who takes cocaine once or twice a month.  It’s all about the connection and the level of addiction.  For this reason, hallucinogens can be just as harsh for a person as any other drugs are.  Dissociative drugs affect the body in many of the same ways as other drugs such as heroin or or other opiates.

How Dissociative Drugs Affect the Body

Listed below are some of the effects of hallucinogens and dissociative drugs:

  • Inability to communicate properly
  • Numbness in the hands, feet, and limbs
  • Extreme panic
  • Disorientation, vertigo, confusion, loss of stability, and loss of coordination
  • Exaggerated strength, aggression, and rage
  • Dizziness, delirium, nausea, not being lucid, vomiting
  • Changes for the worse in sensory perceptions to the point of not knowing what is real and not
  • Psychological distress, hardship, and problems
  • Hallucinations and delusions of grandeur
  • Various types of physical distress
  • Feelings of detachment and a total separation from self and from the environment
  • Memory loss
  • Increase to dangerous levels in blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and overall body temperature
  • Death

Addressing Addiction to Dissociative Drugs

The truth of the matter is that an addiction to these drugs needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.  The key factor involved here is to find a way to help people with such an addiction by putting them into and through an inpatient drug and alcohol addiction and dependence treatment center.  Such rehab centers offer the tools and the helping factors necessary to give people a way out of their addiction nightmare.

A Forever Recovery offers an excellent recovery program that is truly effective in helping addicts overcome an addiction.  We know what a person needs to overcome how dissociative drugs affect the body and get on a path to a lifetime of drug-free health. Contact us today for more information.

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