Per Wickstrom with Former NFL Player Myron Rolle

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Per Wickstrom with Former NFL Player Myron Rolle

Per Wickstrom of A Forever Recovery talks with Former NFL Player, Myron Rolle about the kids today and the struggles they face growing up that weren’t issues for kids many years ago in this interview. Hear what he has to say on this subject.

Myron Rolle

Per Wickstrom of A Forever Recovery interviews NFL player, Myron Rolle:

Per Wickstrom: I want to ask you a couple of questions you know that we have the young kids today and now we are looking for ways to fix them. Do you think kids have a harder time today or they had a harder time 25 years ago?

Myron Rolle: I think it is harder today so many influences on their life that it is not just their parents, it is the others’ obligation, others that are apt to do it,  parent and role models in their community, to put their hand on these kids and say that this is the right way to do it.

Per Wickstrom: Yea, let’s show you how.

Myron Rolle: Let’s show you how to do it. I think it is pivotal that community members look at our kids as the future because eventually the Jesse Jacksons of the world, myself, and you will be out of the equation.

Per Wickstrom: Right.

Myron Rolle: And it’s going to be these kids.

Per Wickstrom: The little ones, right, right.

Myron Rolle: We will be making a decision of running things and if we want America to grow up to be more prosperous and continue to keep moving forward, we have to make sure we give them the right guidelines early on while they are impressionable, make sure they are staying away from substance abuse, make sure they are focusing on education and some goal setting, loving their neighbors, and loving everyone regardless if you are black or white, or rich or poor, or if you are old or young, or you’re from the North or you’re from the South, because we are a more diverse place and we have to start with our young people because that’s where it begins.

Per Wickstrom: Thank you, sir!