Drugs and alcohol can be a huge problem for many people. When someone begins using drugs they never think that they will become an addict and believe that they can control the drug use and can stop anytime. However, they often find themselves being controlled by the drug. Some users get so intertwined with the drug that they can not function without it. When someone gets to this stage, then joining a detox program is their best option.
Why Addicts Avoid a Detox Program, and Rehab

They need to know that there are professionals in the facility who care about them. The focus of a detox program is communication because every drug user’s story is not the same. It is essential that each client gets the one-on-one help that they need and deserve each day. Detox is an uphill battle, but a professional environment is much more likely to provide lasting results. No one should attempt detox on their own.
What to Expect in a Professional Detox Program
Detoxification is a procedure undergone by patients who have been diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder using the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) or International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM) criteria. The process is monitored under the supervision of trained medical professionals with a specialization in addiction and detoxification. Our program strictly adheres to the methodology and guidelines of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), which provides extensive resources and guidance to assist in managing the symptoms of substance withdrawal and progressing through addiction treatment. The process comes with inherent health risks and concerns and, as such, should always be monitored by an addiction specialist.
In order to fully move towards recovery and to achieve the best possible outcome, the client is required to commit seven days per week, 24 hours per day to the detox program, which takes place in an isolated inpatient medical and clinical treatment facility. The full program typically lasts a minimum of 30 days, with psychological treatment commencing after the initial, compulsory detoxification period. Detoxification and substance abuse treatment programs serve patients best in an inpatient environment, as the imminent withdrawal symptoms that accompany prolonged drug and alcohol abuse need to be continuously monitored to ensure the patient’s physical safety and mental well-being.
After being admitted to the program, the patient will undergo a mandatory multidisciplinary assessment by the intake manager or team member. This meeting requires the patient to make a full medical and psychological disclosure, along with undergoing a physical, so that the team can develop the best-individualized treatment plan possible. Blood and other lab tests will be run and analyzed, the nursing and psychological treatment team members will make assessments. The patient’s family is welcome and, if appropriate, encouraged to participate when possible, so that the team can get a clearer and more comprehensive insight into the full situation of the patient.
After analyzing the data and considering the different individual factors, the Medical Director will determine how long the ‘weaning‘ period needs to last. This can be modified later if progress has not been made to the standards and predictions of the original assessment plan. Each individual’s background, mentality, and physical history make a difference, and no two cases are the same. The long duration and individual focus of this detoxification program leave a bit of room for treatment plans to cater to the patient’s physical and emotional needs, and making adjustments to the timing of the recovery phases will only serve to facilitate a happier, healthier lifestyle for the individual in the end.
Upon intake in the A Forever Recover detox treatment facility, each patient is assigned an individual case manager, personal counselor, and aftercare specialist, in order to ensure smooth transitions throughout each phase of treatment. During the initial phase (detoxification from the substance of concern), patients work with their counselor, empowering them to regain control of their circumstances and life as a whole. The counselor will complete a biopsychosocial assessment of the patient, considering all of the previously taken tests and information gathered before developing an initial treatment plan. Alongside his/her counselor, the patient plays an active role in defining attainable treatment goals and coming up with a realistic plan for achieving them. In addition to individual counseling, the treatment center runs a number of recovery support groups, which each patient is encouraged to attend regularly.
Getting Help from Addiction
Drug addiction treatment should begin at the first sign of addiction. No matter what substance you find yourself addicted to our center can help you on your road to recovery. Many people just like you find themselves addicted to legal or illegal substances. Often, the legal drugs are the hardest to recognize as an addictive substance. Many people become addicted from a serious accident, surgery or other problems that cause severe pain. Realizing that you may have become addicted is the first step towards recovery.
Our caring and professional staff have the training to help you on your journey to recovery. They have helped hundreds of people just like you become drug-free. The staff at our inpatient recovery clinic knows all about drug addiction treatment and will teach you the skills necessary to remain drug-free after your treatment. Because we offer 24-hour a day treatment, you will have the help you need any hour of the day.
Often, complete recovery requires this intense treatment. In our treatment center, you will be able to discuss your problems with the staff and other clients and be able to learn from their knowledge and experience. Being in a rehab setting allows you freedom from the everyday stress and triggers that may have caused your addiction in the first place. You will be able to focus on learning about yourself and discover what contributed to your need to experiment with drugs in the first place.
Call today and talk to the staff who will tell you the details about our clinic. We can design a treatment plan especially for you. People from all walks of life are now living drug-free lives, thanks to our excellent treatment options. Our detox program and drug addiction treatment center can help you discover a drug-free life, free from all of the problems that addiction causes.