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Graduate: Nick
A forever recovery graduate Nick. Addiction is a disease that not only alters the body’s physical state but mental perspective.
Nick, a recent A Forever Recovery graduate, put it eloquently when he talked about being pushed to start – and continue with — the program.
“I can’t believe I’m up here now,” he said. “I never thought it would happen. When I was at home, my family was pushing me to come (to rehab) … then I did it, and I was like, ‘okay, I guess I need it.’
“Then I got here, and I was like, ‘man I want to leave.’ Then as I stuck through it, I was like, ‘well, I guess I need it.’ A lot of the staff were pushing me for sober living, and I was like, ‘no, I don’t want to do that.’ But (then I) kept thinking about it and concluded, ‘I guess I need it.’
“I want to thank all the staff (and my peers) that have done that for me … Helped me stay focused and do something that furthered me and changed my life.”
During his graduation speech, Nick not only showed his appreciation for the program; he showcased his creativity and the fun that can be had while going through such a difficult transition at A Forever Recovery.
He did a lot of karaoke during his stay, so he decided to write a poem about his journey composed completely of song titles.
“It started way down yonder at the Chattahoochee;
where I hid behind my p-p-poker face;
and was bad to the bone with all my friends in low places;
Until I realized I’m too sexy for those drugs. Too sexy for those drugs.
“So I decided to bust a move and come to AFR;
where I learned to get a little mud on the tires;
to battle my kryptonite;
and now I’m bleeding love for everyone here;
And I’m so happy I could just dance. Woo-hoo.
“Now it’s time to boot-scootin’ boogie;
to sober living in Southern California
where I’ll be sober forever and ever – amen.”