Why Some People Can Handle Recreational Drug Use and Others Can’t

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Why Some People Can Handle Recreational Drug Use and Others Can’t
If you know of someone with a drug addiction, you may be wondering how this can happen. The person you participate in recreational drug use with is now leaning toward addiction, and you are fine. How can this be? The answer is complicated because taking drugs leads to a chemical reaction that affects every person differently.
Research and science are revealing new things about how our personalities and brain makeup are involved. You may be a proponent of recreational drug use. If so, you may be wondering why some states allow this activity while others ban it. Read our guide to answers of why some people can handle recreational drug use while others can’t. Our guide will give you a better understanding of this important question.
Living in a State that Bans Recreational Drug Use
Think it’s unfair that you can’t use recreational drugs in North Carolina but your friend in Oregon can? That’s because marijuana use is legal in Oregon, while the state of North Carolina bans it. The same goes for many countries, such as the Netherlands. There, smoking marijuana is legal. There are ways to answer questions about why some can smoke recreationally and others cannot. Checking the drug-use laws of the state in which you live is one way to find answers. If you are concerned, do your homework to know how the states and countries you plan to visit view drug-use laws.
Your Brain May Have Some Effect
Researchers have proven that recreational cocaine users who do not develop an addiction to the substance have an abnormally large frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that involves decision-making and self-control.
One Answer May Involve Your Personality
Developing drug addiction doesn’t just happen in a day, except in the cases of highly-addictive drugs such as meth. Instead, poor habits become long-term ones. Researchers believe that your personality may indicate whether you will become a drug addict should you begin use. People who have the combination of being impulsive and compulsive are more likely to develop a drug addiction. They tend to want to act on urges impulsively without thinking. Over time, those impulsive actions become habits. Drug users who do not become addicts often also are thrill-seekers. They simply do not have the same leaning toward compulsion. Instead, they become bored and move on to some other activity.
Help for Addiction to Drugs
If you are one of those who cannot participate in recreational drug use and then leave drugs alone If you, on the other hand, find yourself wanting more and more of the substance, then you should seek help before you have a full-blown addiction. If you are struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, treatment from an inpatient addiction treatment facility can put you on the path to recovery.
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I think that there are some interesting points that are brought up here. Firstly it is something to hear about people who have willingly walked away from using drugs and alcohol. The different personalities and charachtersistics of the different people are endless as all people are different. It is possible I guess for people to use recreational drugs and then get off of them on their own volition. While others cannot seem to shake being addicted to drugs and alcohol. It could be their personality or it could be the environment that they are immersed in, but the fact remains that anyone that is using drugs and alcohol is extremely prone to becoming addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. It is not necessarily something that people can just walk away from as research has proven that there are definite links to chemical dependence in the brain and body, and as a person uses drugs their body begins to need that substance as it is not replaced with whatever vitamin or mineral that the drug is taking the place of. This is a very key factor and is something that is not mentioned here necessarily, but does play its part. I do not know all of the ins and outs of the people with bigger frontal lobes, but I can say that there does have to be some kind of a physical link to people who can get off by themselves, and this does make sense to a degree. I think that whether you can or not get off by yourself, your chances of success are still improved by going to an inpatient drug rehab facility. There are many studies on this, and it has been proven that taking the leap and going to a program where you are taken out of the environment where you got onto drugs is a big help in the fight to get off of drugs. This is the main thing that I like in reading about these types of programs, and I think that the work that they are doing is great!
The different opinions of different areas are interesting to me. While I am not a supporter of drug use, I can see why there are principalities or states/countries that allow it to happen and have jumped on the decriminalization bandwagon. It is a dicey thing to argue whether this drug or that drug or this drink or that drink should be legal or illegal. The fact is that the problem of drugs has been with different societies for some time and I think that this is just an unusual way to handle the problem that is very libertarian. All across the USA there has been mixed results in the way of decriminalizing marijuana. There is the obvious revenue increase, but I think that this comes at a cost. The more interesting thing to see would be how the countries that are not the USA where it is legal to use pot or other drugs are handling the other aspects that usually come with drug use. There is the obvious points of violent crime, and/or sexual assault but you do not tend to hear about this. I do know that in Colorado there has been an increase in DUIs attributed to marijuana and also to drug overdoses going into hospitals from people eating to many brownies. I also think it is interesting that in those cities, you may not hear as much about the violence as they are promoting it as a solution, but I would like to see some real statistics of this after 5 years of it being legal. Once again I do not support using any sort of mind altering substance, but I can also see how different physical structure of different people do lead them to handling the use of a drug where other people may not be able to handle it the same way. Coming from a family that has experienced a loved one that was addicted to drug use, I can vouch for the effectiveness of drug rehab programs like this that use inpatient treatments to get people off of drugs. They really helped someone in my family and are one of the main reasons why they were able to kick a nasty addiction to crystal meth. This is where I really go to support places like this and I think that if you or someone that you know is struggling with an addiction to a drug, you need to get them to go to a place like this as soon as possible. This may be the only chance that they have instead of hoping that they have a different brain, you can actually do something effective to get them to kick the habit!